Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Well, I have officially abandoned the dear ole blog. BAD BLOGGER, BAD! I am going to try to do better. Really. No promises. But I will certainly try.

STILL love you all mucho. Whether you believe me or not. ;)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


We're not getting a whole lotta this... but we do finally have one little tooth poking through. Hooray!

Sittin' Pretty

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I'm baaaaaaack...

Emery Jane, all bundled up for her very first bonfire!

It's been a while... too long. Life has been crazy, but that's no excuse. Not only has not blogging left you all in the dark about the big move and life back in the HKWeezy, but it has also deprived me of my most cathartic, soul-cleansing outlet at one of the most stressful points in my life. Sure, it may sound like I'm being mellowdramatic, but I am totally serious. Writing helps me decompress. And over the past two weeks, I have been wound pretty damn tight.

The move went so well, but like everything else, packing and planning and loading and traveling are all much different with a baby in tow. Thank goodness mom, my little bro Cory and his girlfriend, Ashley came to help out. Emery flew back with mom Monday morning before the rest of us hit the highway. Since it was the first night away from her since she was born, my nerves were a little shot... unnecessarily, of course. The flight wasn't great, but they made it through. They got home, and she slept better that night than she had in a month. (Phew!) Us road warriors arrived the next day, and I was ready to squeeze on my baby girl and then promptly pass out from the exhaustion of driving 18 hours of the most boring interstate in America (thank you, Alabama and Mississippi.) But there was unpacking to do before I could even think about such a thing. Little did I know that the real stress was just about to set in.

I still don't know what brought on the miniature panic attacks I would deal with over the next week, or why I immediately felt so overwhelmed the minute we pulled in the driveway. Maybe it was the stacks upon stacks of boxes, bins and bags that piled up oh so quickly once the unloading of the truck began. Or maybe it was the fact that there were 10 people in our tiny little house at any given time, all demanding my attention or direction and seemingly none listening to anything I was saying. Looking back, it was more likely the magnitude of the move hitting me like a ton of bricks at that very moment. I mean, as happy as I was/am about being home, it is a change. A big one. One I never thought I would make. I never thought I would live in North Carolina ever again. Let alone back in Hickory, within a mile of practically every member of my family. And now, here I was, baby on my hip, filling this same little house with a life Brian and Emery and I had built halfway across the country.  Was this really happening? It was surreal.

Those first few days were rough. I cried daily. My OCD took over by default, and I fought every decision tooth and nail. But just as all of our things slowly began to find their place, as family enveloped us with the love and support we moved here in search of, I began to relax. As I snuggled with Emery at her very first bonfire, breathing the clean, crisp air, I found peace. As we continue to hang curtains and rearrange furniture and relearn the creaks in the floor, I find comfort.

And today, as I sit here typing this, I could not be more sure that this was the right move for us. We belong here. There's no place like HOME.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

All Apologies

Please accept this apology. I have not abandoned you, dear blog. I have merely spent the past two weeks moving back across the country, loving on my family, comforting a still-not-sleeping-through-the-night baby and trying (mostly unsuccessfully) to get the house in order. If it makes you feel better, I have not been on facebook, and my Google Reader is OVERFLOWING with things I'd love to catch up on but just haven't found the time for.

I promise I will be back. Soon. Very soon. Bear with me.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Last Day

Well, it's here. My last day at work. The range of emotions that was sure to come with this move will likely begin to manifest today, here at the office. I love these people, and Hallmark Casework has been good to me. I'll miss them.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Why Mom Guilt is Good

A Wonderful Article for Mamas
(Reblogged from Sometimes Sweet)

Why Mom Guilt is Good - Teresa Strasser is the author of the new book Exploiting My Baby, and she has an important message for moms: Guilt is good. Read on to find out why…

Monday, January 17, 2011

One. More. Week.

and we'll be NC-bound!

Just wanted to share my excitement. :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

"Divine right action is always taking 
place in my life. I love and 
approve of myself. All is well."
~Louise Hay, Heal Your Body

As I clean out my office, I peel away the tattered sticky note from my monitor with this quote on it. I have found comfort in these words on so many occasions. There is something bigger than each and every one of us out there. And whether you believe it's God, the gods, Mother Nature, Karma, or something totally different, it's worth remembering that, no matter how hard we try, we are not in control.