Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Could the LeeBlanks be future homeowners?

Brian and I have been thinking a lot about buying a house, or maybe a condo. Something inexpensive... that we could work on while we lived there and perhaps even rent once we decided to move out or away. I mean, it's a "buyer's market," right? And Texas seems to have the most reasonable property prices of anywhere I've ever seen. We could actually buy for less than we are renting, in all actuality. And like daddy says, renting is not exactly ideal in the long run.

Now, all that said, we are also very fond of renting. I like having someone to call when something breaks and not have to fix it myself or out of my own pocket. And I like the idea of being able to up and move whenever our lease is up. So, needless to say, the responsibility of owning a home and the finality of a 30-year mortgage are both pretty intimidating.

But, we are in the early stages of deciding, and we aren't in any kind of rush. Number one, we'd have to get a loan. And that's not exactly easy as pie these days, especially without much of a down payment, if any. And, of course, I've got to talk to dad and nana, our realtor from afar.

Mainly, I just wanted some feedback. Good, bad, whatever... just honest. So, what do you think?

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