Well, it's finally here. The big move is upon us, and I would like to thank my husband and myself for not accumulating a whole bunch of crapola over the past 7 months. I have barely packed anything, and we are almost done! We have furniture and approximately two carloads of et cetera. (You may ask how I know this, and it is because that is the amount of junk with which we arrived. We may have a few more items of clothing, but nothing a space bag can't make disappear!)
The whole packing process has made me appreciate the massive amount of purging we accomplished prior to the REAL big move down here. Sure, I have occasionally missed my pink moccasins, my "Animals are little people in fur coats" T-shirt and my stockpile of jewelry I only wore once in a blue moon... but I do not miss at all whatsoever the endless barrage of kitchen accessories, thoughtful yet putrid gifts or clothes that were too nice to get rid of but too big or small to fit into. So, all in all, it was a very fair trade, I'd say. Not to mention, I now get to thoughtfully replace all of the items I wish I still had without feeling like I have too much stuff already.
I'm not sure that Brian feels the same way, of course, since he could not possibly care less about any of the aforementioned items as long as he has his one pair of tennishoes, his PS3 and his computer... or should I say MY computer since HIS is broken... again. I suppose this would be an appropriate time to ask, on his behalf, that everyone give him money for Christmas, as he has set his sights on a monstrosity of a gaming computer that costs more than my first two cars combined. No, I'm not kidding.
I suppose this would also be an appropriate time to mention that it will definitely be Christmas before we come home for a visit. On a brighter note, it's looking like we will be able to stay from the 18th until at least the 28th. Does that make you as happy as it does me? I hope so. Until then, any and everyone is welcome to come visit us in our new place. Just not all at once. ;) I'll post pictures as soon as the place is presentable.
Love you all! Talk to you soon!
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