Friday, January 29, 2010

A Thirty-One Baby

Contrary to my high expectations for myself, I haven't really gotten into this Thirty-One thing full throttle yet. That's not ideal for several reasons, including the fact that if I don't sell $200 worth of product every three months, I get put on "inactive" status. HOWEVER, with a baby on the way, having to make up the difference of a less-than-$200 order becomes a pleasurable endeavor!

I decided that I would use my less-than-stellar sales to get started on a basic diaper bag. I started with the adult backpack in classy Bubble Quilt. It's probably not big enough for an all-day outing, but it will be perfect for a trip to the grocery store or a morning at church. (Disclaimer: This is all an absolute guess, as I have no idea what I'm getting into with a baby.) I also ordered the matching zip-around pouch. I figured it would be a good place to put ointment and stuff, right?

Thirty-One also has super-cute kid stuff: changing pads, bibs, etc. Since we don't know the sex of the baby yet, I decided to go with the unisex Green Giraffe motif. I ordered the paci keeper, zipper pouch and changing pad. (Mom also ordered me the organizer tote in this pattern... added bonus! Thanks, momma!)

So, what do you think? Good choices? It's funny how these little opportunities to buy baby things have come up. I really wasn't planning on starting quite so early. In addition to paying for doctor's visits and my 10% of what is sure to be a massive delivery bill, I also have a lot of learning and growing to do before I transform the spare bedroom into a nursery. In fact, I had a mini panic attack when I saw a post about "tummy time" earlier. I get the point, but when do you start doing that? How often? For how long? OH GEES.

I also realized that one of the best ways to learn is to peruse the internet, which also exposes you to a bunch of "stuff." Hell, I have known what type of diapers I am going to use since long before we got pregnant simply because my favorite blog, Treehugger, posted about g diapers years ago. (Perhaps I'll blog about those next?)

So, I anticipate I will posting a lot about both the process and the stuff. Hope you're ready for the onslaught of commentary... and in some cases, cries for help, I'm sure.

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