Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Aliens Inside Me

Isn't she beautiful? Okay, maybe I'm a big, fat, deliriously-tired mommy to be, but I think this is just the most adorable thing! But even if you don't see what I see, you cannot possibly deny that she isn't her mother's child, channeling the spirit of a revolutionary with her fist raised in pride. I love this baby of mine already.

After thinking we wouldn't get another ultrasound before Emery made her big debut, we got lucky. So, last week, they checked her out and this is the best picture we got. On the screen we could see her little fingers, instead of the blob I've labeled "fist." We also got confirmation of her little girl parts, or "hamburger" as the ultrasound tech referred to it. And we got to hear how wonderfully she was doing... right on track to be an eight and a half pound baby. She was, alas, turned inward, so no face shots. Brian and I were a little disappointed, but then we remembered she would be here in EIGHT WEEKS and figured after seeing her in person, a garbled ultrasound image could never do her justice anyway.

Yep. 32 weeks. 8 months. Breathe. Don't freak out. We're almost ready... right? Well, it doesn't feel that way, but I actually think we are. And I'm sure that whatever I haven't managed to get done by the end of July will certainly get done during Momma's visit. I am so grateful that she is taking the time to come down before baby gets here. It's already difficult to do normal everyday things without feeling like I just ran a marathon, so I know that by then I'll be seeing red when it comes to anything other than the routine of breathe, eat, sleep, work.

To be honest, even those seemingly mundane things have become quite laborous already. Of course, when you look at how your body changes in pregnancy, it's no surprise that you feel all out of whack. Check out the bladder and the stomach, for pet(Why didn't I look this up sooner? I could have been more prepared!)

But then, when I feel this little ball of baby goodness moving around inside me, I could not possibly care less that my bladder is homeless and my stomach is fighting my diaphragm for the last bit of space in my chest. I can almost always see her moving now, little limbs pushing and squishing and molding my torso like a contortionist, making me feel a little possessed and a LOT happy. Brian is jealous that I get to experience that part and he doesn't. I can't say I blame him. And it may sound selfish, but I am glad there is a part of this pregnancy that is just for me and Emery. For a couple more months, we share this body, and I get to be with her all day, every day. I know that, as much as pregnancy is for the birds in almost every way, I will miss having her with me always, safe and sound and mine all mine.

<3 Lace

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