Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's been too long...

Yes, I am aware that it has been an entire month since my last itty bitty post, but cut me some slack!

I'd love to say I have some pretty pictures of the nursery, or we have a new ultrasound pic to share, or even that I have a pic of my increasingly enormous belly... but I don't. What I do have is a ridiculously annoying urination schedule, a non-existent sleep cycle and a mounting to-do list.

I do want to say a special thank you to my mother, LB and all my friends and family in North Carolina. The trip home was wonderful, and the shower was such a huge success. It was so great seeing everyone, and we are so grateful for all the sweet gifts we received. Emery is a blessed little girl already, and I just CANNOT WAIT to bring her home to meet each and every one of you.

This weekend, I hope to get started transforming the nursery from the storage closet it now resembles to a room for a baby... since she'll be here in 11 weeks. (!!!)

Uh huh. Week 29 officially starts today. The third trimester is here, and there is so much left to do. Luckily, Miss Emery seems to be doing just fine, and that's the most important thing. (Though, the prospect of squeezing this little nugget through my tiny little vagina is becoming a more and more daunting mental picture. Another post, perhaps.) We have our labor techniques class this Saturday, then a cloth diapering and breastfeeding class later this month. We have to register with the hospital and take the tour, plan out a basic birth plan and make some decisions about childcare post maternity leave, just to get started. It's a lot, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't freak out about it all pretty regularly, but I am so lucky to have a cool, calm, collected husband to keep me from having a panic attack.

Speaking of Brian, we had some pretty big news come through yesterday on his end as well. He's been approved for an insulin pump and will be making the transition from 5-6 shots a day to the constant companionship of the pump in about two weeks. The pump he decided on is top of the line, complete with a meter remote that wirelessly communicates with the pump when he checks his sugar. How cool is that?! In addition to making his life so much easier, it will better control his blood sugar, which will in turn reduce his likelihood of developing complications down the road. Sure, there is a huge out-of-pocket expense at first, but let's be honest. This is priceless, and I would cut off my left arm to make it happen if I had to.)

As this baby gets closer, I find myself feeling more and more emotional about being so far away from family and friends in NC. But little victories like Brian getting a pump gives me the glorious feeling that where we are right now is right where we're supposed to be. There are so many things we could never afford, never have access to and never experience otherwise. It's so good to know that we made the right decision making the big move. And, when this itch to be closer to home becomes a large, unsightly rash, we will do something about it. After all, Emery can't grow up without mountains. That's just ridiculous! :)


1 comment:

Catie said...

So fun that you are on week 29 and I am on week 19. It's nice to have you going through this right in front of me. I saw on another blog that you were going to cloth diaper... I am REALLY wanting to take that route, but am trying to figure out the ins and outs of it. Anything you can share (opinions, websites, etc) would be great. I miss your face (and your hugs). xox.