Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Stay At Home Papa

Sometimes the most wonderful blessings in this world come to you guised as misfortune. It’s happened too many times in my life to name. Normally I don’t realize it until much, much later. Then I feel silly for being so devastated in the first place.

But when Brian got laid off the week before I went back to work full time and Emery was supposed to start daycare, I immediately saw the bright spot. Sure, I was worried about our finances, but once the budget was reviewed and that fear subsided, I was so thrilled at the opportunity that had just fallen into our laps: Brian was going to get to be a stay at home papa.

Of course we all faced some challenges. Brian had to learn how to care for and entertain a baby all day long. Emery had to adjust to a new routine. And I had to let go. Now, a month later, we have all adjusted and, short of being able to stay home with her myself, this is the most perfect scenario I could ever imagine. My sweet little girl adores her papa, and he has seized the opportunity to become the diaper-slinging, paci-wielding super-dad I always knew he would be. My heart melts when I think about the two of them, my true loves, and the time that they get to spend together. Not many daddies and daughters are so lucky.

As an added bonus, parenting has truly become a partnership. Our friendship and our marriage have benefitted from the ability to honestly understand each and every aspect of raising this baby, the trials and the triumphs. Our tired bodies have been pushed to their limits. Some days our brains feel like mush after hours of googoo-ing and gaga-ing. Other days, after an especially long nap or another baby milestone conquered, we are on top of the world. Either way, we’re in it together. We are there for one another to lean on and love on. We are making every effort to help one another and, for the sake of our little girl, to be the best parents we can… and part of that is showing her what love is supposed to be.

I know that it won’t last forever. Brian will go back to work eventually. But nothing can erase the bond they share. She is her daddy’s little girl.

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