Friday, December 3, 2010


Look at that face. Mischievous, right? Now, do you see that cute little sock monkey she’s got? Mmmm hmmm. I snatched it up at Wal-Mart the other day because I thought it was precious. I gave it to Emery to love on while we were grabbing some quick groceries and, wouldn’t ya know it, she fell asleep and forgot to remind me to get it out of her car seat and pay for it. Five (chubby little sausage) finger discount. (Don’t worry. She’s learned her lesson. We’ve talked about it, and Emery and I have decided to take the $3 our little sock monkey friend would have cost us and buy another little something to donate to Toys for Tots.)

So, my child is a thief. I should have known. I mean, she did steal my heart before we even met. ;)

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