Thursday, March 11, 2010

Time to Get Busy

Planning, that is. I had a nice chat with mom the other day, in which we talked a little about mine and Brian's desires to raise baby in true "LeeBlank style." Brian and I are many things, separately and individually. And naturally, our loves, our beliefs and our views on this crazy world we live in will be presented to our child, whom we will do our best to raise with an open mind and heart. But as we plan for baby and are bombarded with pack 'n' plays and diaper genies and wipe warmers and plastic-y toys with lights and sirens, one LeeBlank lifestyle choice stands out more than the others: we are "do-ers," not "have-ers."

There is a reason we blissfully fork over our hard-earned money for rent every month, we only own one TV and we can fit all our seldom-used belongings in a couple of plastic bins. Our American dream is different than most people's. It involves a vintage travel trailer and pit stops across the country. We love to adventure and explore and experience and make memories. And most of our belongings reflect that, from my old records and Granny's homemade foot stool to Brian's fossils and coffee table books on space to bags of worthless, but beautiful, self-mined gemstones and mounds of photographs documenting the first two and a half decades of our lives. We want to surround our baby with the same types of things. Things that will make little LeBlanc happy. Things that are nature-friendly and fit our adventurous lifestyle. Things that will facilitate learning and creativity and exploring.

So, wish us luck as we venture on to diapers and car seats and strollers and the like... and if you have any ideas... please don't hesitate to send them our way!

<3 The Three of Us

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