Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Boy Baby or Girl Baby?!?!

Hopefully, today is the day we find out whether it's a little boy baby or a little girl baby! Oh, I am so excited and nervous I could just burst! I am afraid that Little LeeBlank will not want to show us, and I will have to wait two more long weeks. I just don't think I can take it!

I had a wonderful time back in North Carolina with the family this weekend. Of course, there is never enough time to see everyone as much as I'd like, but I am so blessed to have such a big, wonderful family to love and be loved by.

The fetal doppler worked, and mom and dad got to hear baby's heartbeat. I even felt baby move for the first time while mom was listening. We both cried. I am in awe of this little person growing inside of me, as big as a sweet potato now.

I got to see Cory's house, and I got to spend time with Ashley yard sale-ing and tracking down treasures. We had so much fun. Congratulations to Cory on being a homeowner! He and Ashley are working so hard to get everything painted and updated, and it looks so wonderful. I can't wait to see the progress when I go back in May.

In addition to figuring out if our baby will have a wee wee or a ta ta, I am anxiously awaiting the stack of maternity clothes Nana bought me to arrive in the mail. Finally, I will have more than three things that fit! We didn't do a whole lot of baby shopping, but I did get baby his or her first Carolina outfit, a tie-dyed hippie onesie and a little shirt with skulls on it.

I am occupying my waiting time perusing the internet for baby gear... like this Baby Bjorn carrier I want want want. This is the "Air" carrier, meaning it breathes better, which will be a must in Texas. Plus, the yellow just speaks to me. ;)

I was never a big fan of the slings and wraps, since they seem like an awful lot of trouble and keep baby all couped up. In light of recent recalls and news about babies suffocating, I'm glad we didn't have our hearts set on one of those.

I have also set up a registry at Babies R Us. Right now, it contains mostly diapers since we aren't really registering for a whole lot. We are hoping that second-hand stores will be the primary shopping location for friends and family, actually. The clothes are already laundered and any chemicals have been washed away. All the clothes we've seen are in great shape and, of course, more affordable, and since baby won't be in them for very long, it seems like the cheaper the better.

Well, my brain is all scrambled and I can't keep it on track enough to write any more... not that this wasn't random enough. Back to waiting, I guess.


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